Conformal Field Theory and Operator Algebras

Yasuyuki Kawahigashi

Yasuyuki Kawahigashi update to 2007-05-23
We review recent progress in operator algebraic approach to conformal quantumfield theory. Our emphasis is on use of representation theory in classificationtheory. This is based on a series of joint works with R. Longo.

journal: None

category: math-ph math.MP math.OA


Yasuyuki Kawahigashi

Yasuyuki Kawahigashi update to 2007-05-23
我们回顾了共形量子场理论的算子代数方法的最新进展。我们的重点是在分类理论中使用表示理论。这是基于与 R. Longo 的一系列联合作品。

期刊参考: None

category: math-ph math.MP math.OA