Timing and Lensing of the Colliding Bullet Clusters: barely enough time and gravity to accelerate the bullet

HongSheng Zhao (SUPA
St Andrews)

HongSheng Zhao update to 2007-05-23

We present semi-analytical constraint on the amount of dark matter in themerging bullet galaxy cluster using the classical Local Group timing arguments.We consider particle orbits in potential models which fit the lensing data.{\it Marginally consistent} CDM models in Newtonian gravity are found with atotal mass M_{CDM} = 1 x 10^{15}Msun of Cold DM: the bullet subhalo can movewith V_{DM}=3000km/s, and the "bullet" X-ray gas can move withV_{gas}=4200km/s. These are nearly the {\it maximum speeds} that areaccelerable by the gravity of two truncated CDM halos in a Hubble time evenwithout the ram pressure. Consistency breaks down if one adopts higher end ofthe error bars for the bullet gas speed (5000-5400km/s), and the bullet gaswould not be bound by the sub-cluster halo for the Hubble time. Models withV_{DM}~ 4500km/s ~ V_{gas} would invoke unrealistic large amount M_{CDM}=7x10^{15}Msun of CDM for a cluster containing only ~ 10^{14}Msun of gas. Ourresults are generalisable beyond General Relativity, e.g., a speed of$4500\kms$ is easily obtained in the relativistic MONDian lensing model ofAngus et al. (2007). However, MONDian model with little hot dark matter$M_{HDM} \le 0.6\times 10^{15}\msun$ and CDM model with a small halo mass $\le1\times 10^{15}\msun$ are barely consistent with lensing and velocity data.

journal: None

category: astro-ph

碰撞子弹群的时间和镜头:时间不够 和重力加速子弹

HongSheng Zhao (SUPA
St Andrews)

HongSheng Zhao update to 2007-05-23

我们使用经典的局部群时间参数对正在合并的子弹星系团中的暗物质数量提出了半解析约束。我们考虑了适合透镜数据的潜在模型中的粒子轨道。{\it 边缘一致}牛顿引力中的 CDM 模型是发现总质量 M_{CDM} = 1 x 10^{15}Msun of Cold DM:子弹子晕可以以 V_{DM}=3000km/s 移动,“子弹”X 射线气体可以以 V_{gas} 移动=4200km/s。这些几乎是哈勃时间中两个截断的 CDM 晕的重力可加速的 {\it 最大速度},即使没有撞击压力。如果采用较高端的子弹气体速度误差线(5000-5400km/s),一致性就会失效,并且子弹气体不会被哈勃时间的子星团晕束缚。具有 V_{DM}~ 4500km/s ~ V_{gas} 的模型将调用不切实际的大量 M_{CDM}=7x10^{15}Msun of CDM,用于仅包含 ~ 10^{14}Msun 气体的集群。我们的结果在广义相对论之外具有普遍性,例如,在 Angus 等人的相对论 MONDian 透镜模型中很容易获得 $4500\kms$ 的速度。 (2007)。然而,具有少量热暗物质 $M_{HDM} \le 0.6\times 10^{15}\msun$ 的 MONDian 模型和具有小光晕质量 $\le1\times 10^{15}\msun$ 的 CDM 模型几乎没有与透镜和速度数据一致。

期刊参考: None

category: astro-ph