Approximate solutions to the Dirichlet problem for harmonic maps between hyperbolic spaces

Duong Minh Duc and Truong Trung Tuyen

Tuyen Truong update to 2007-06-13
Our main result in this paper is the following: Given $H^m, H^n$ hyperbolicspaces of dimensional $m$ and $n$ corresponding, and given a Holder function$f=(s^1,...,f^{n-1}):\partial H^m\to \partial H^n$ between geometric boundariesof $H^m$ and $H^n$. Then for each $\epsilon >0$ there exists a harmonic map$u:H^m\to H^n$ which is continuous up to the boundary (in the sense ofEuclidean) and $u|_{\partial H^m}=(f^1,...,f^{n-1},\epsilon)$.

journal: None

category: math.DG

之间调和映射的狄利克雷问题的近似解 双曲空间

Duong Minh Duc and Truong Trung Tuyen

Tuyen Truong update to 2007-06-13
我们在本文中的主要结果如下: 给定 $H^m, H^n$ 个维度为 $m$ 和 $n$ 的双曲空间,并给定一个 Holder 函数 $f=(s^1,...,f ^{n-1}):\partial H^m\to \partial H^n$ $H^m$ 和 $H^n$ 的几何边界之间。然后对于每个 $\epsilon >0$ 存在一个调和映射 $u:H^m\to H^n$,它在边界上是连续的(在欧几里德的意义上)和 $u|_{\partial H^m }=(f^1,...,f^{n-1},\epsilon)$。

期刊参考: None

category: math.DG