Clustering in a stochastic model of one-dimensional gas

Vladislav V. Vysotsky

Vladislav Vysotsky update to 2008-06-17
We give a quantitative analysis of clustering in a stochastic model ofone-dimensional gas. At time zero, the gas consists of $n$ identical particlesthat are randomly distributed on the real line and have zero initial speeds.Particles begin to move under the forces of mutual attraction. When particlescollide, they stick together forming a new particle, called cluster, whose massand speed are defined by the laws of conservation. We are interested in theasymptotic behavior of $K_n(t)$ as $n\to \infty$, where $K_n(t)$ denotes thenumber of clusters at time $t$ in the system with $n$ initial particles. Ourmain result is a functional limit theorem for $K_n(t)$. Its proof is based onthe discovered localization property of the aggregation process, which statesthat the behavior of each particle is essentially defined by the motion ofneighbor particles.

journal: Annals of Applied Probability 2008, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1026-1058

category: math.PR


Vladislav V. Vysotsky

Vladislav Vysotsky update to 2008-06-17
我们对一维气体随机模型中的聚类进行了定量分析。在零时刻,气体由 $n$ 相同粒子组成,这些粒子随机分布在实线上,初始速度为零。粒子在相互吸引力的作用下开始移动。当粒子碰撞时,它们粘在一起形成一个新粒子,称为簇,其质量和速度由守恒定律定义。我们对 $K_n(t)$ 作为 $n\to\infty$ 的渐近行为感兴趣,其中 $K_n(t)$ 表示在 $n$ 初始粒子的系统中在时间 $t$ 的簇数。我们的主要结果是 $K_n(t)$ 的功能极限定理。它的证明基于已发现的聚集过程的定位特性,该特性表明每个粒子的行为本质上是由相邻粒子的运动定义的。

期刊参考: Annals of Applied Probability 2008, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1026-1058

category: math.PR