Shaping the Globular Cluster Mass Function by Stellar-Dynamical Evaporation

Dean E. McLaughlin and S. Michael Fall

Dean McLaughlin update to 2010-11-11
We show that the globular cluster mass function (GCMF) in the Milky Waydepends on cluster half-mass density (rho_h) in the sense that the turnovermass M_TO increases with rho_h while the width of the GCMF decreases. We arguethat this is the expected signature of the slow erosion of a mass function thatinitially rose towards low masses, predominantly through cluster evaporationdriven by internal two-body relaxation. We find excellent agreement between theobserved GCMF -- including its dependence on internal density rho_h, centralconcentration c, and Galactocentric distance r_gc -- and a simple model inwhich the relaxation-driven mass-loss rates of clusters are approximated by-dM/dt = mu_ev ~ rho_h^{1/2}. In particular, we recover the well-knowninsensitivity of M_TO to r_gc. This feature does not derive from a literal``universality'' of the GCMF turnover mass, but rather from a significantvariation of M_TO with rho_h -- the expected outcome of relaxation-drivencluster disruption -- plus significant scatter in rho_h as a function of r_gc.Our conclusions are the same if the evaporation rates are assumed to dependinstead on the mean volume or surface densities of clusters inside their tidalradii, as mu_ev ~ rho_t^{1/2} or mu_ev ~ Sigma_t^{3/4} -- alternativeprescriptions that are physically motivated but involve cluster properties(rho_t and Sigma_t) that are not as well defined or as readily observable asrho_h. In all cases, the normalization of mu_ev required to fit the GCMFimplies cluster lifetimes that are within the range of standard values(although falling towards the low end of this range). Our analysis does notdepend on any assumptions or information about velocity anisotropy in theglobular cluster system.

journal: Astrophys.J.679:1272-1287,2008

category: astro-ph

通过恒星动力学塑造球状星团质量函数 蒸发

Dean E. McLaughlin and S. Michael Fall

Dean McLaughlin update to 2010-11-11
我们表明,银河系中的球状星团质量函数 (GCMF) 取决于星团半质量密度 (rho_h),因为周转质量 M_TO 随 rho_h 增加而 GCMF 的宽度减小。我们认为这是质量函数缓慢侵蚀的预期特征,该函数最初向低质量上升,主要是通过内部双体弛豫驱动的团簇蒸发。我们发现观察到的 GCMF 之间非常吻合——包括它对内部密度 rho_h、中心浓度 c 和半乳中心距离 r_gc 的依赖——以及一个简单的模型,其中簇的松弛驱动质量损失率近似为 -dM/dt = mu_ev ~ rho_h^{1/2}。特别是,我们恢复了众所周知的 M_TO 对 r_gc 的不敏感性。此特征并非源自 GCMF 周转量的字面“普遍性”,而是源自 M_TO 与 rho_h 的显着变化——松弛驱动的集群破坏的预期结果——加上作为 r_gc 函数的 rho_h 中的显着分散如果假设蒸发率取决于潮汐半径内簇的平均体积或表面密度,我们的结论是相同的,如 mu_ev ~ rho_t^{1/2} 或 mu_ev ~ Sigma_t^{3/4} -- 替代处方是物理动机,但涉及集群属性(rho_t 和 Sigma_t),这些属性不像 rho_h 那样定义明确或易于观察。在所有情况下,适合 GCMF 所需的 mu_ev 归一化意味着集群寿命在标准值范围内(尽管落入该范围的低端)。我们的分析不依赖于关于球状星团系统中速度各向异性的任何假设或信息。

期刊参考: Astrophys.J.679:1272-1287,2008

category: astro-ph