Operator algebras associated with unitary commutation relations

Stephen C. Power (Lancaster University)
Baruch Solel (Technion)

Stephen C. Power update to 2007-05-23

We define nonselfadjoint operator algebras with generators $L_{e_1},...,L_{e_n}, L_{f_1},...,L_{f_m}$ subject to the unitary commutation relations ofthe form \[ L_{e_i}L_{f_j} = \sum_{k,l} u_{i,j,k,l} L_{f_l}L_{e_k}\] where $u=(u_{i,j,k,l})$ is an $nm \times nm$ unitary matrix. These algebras, whichgeneralise the analytic Toeplitz algebras of rank 2 graphs with a singlevertex, are classified up to isometric isomorphism in terms of the matrix $u$.

journal: None

category: math.OA


Stephen C. Power (Lancaster University)
Baruch Solel (Technion)

Stephen C. Power update to 2007-05-23

我们用生成元 $L_{e_1},...,L_{e_n}, L_{f_1},...,L_{f_m}$ 定义非自伴随算子代数服从于形式 \[ L_{e_i} L_{f_j} = \sum_{k,l} u_{i,j,k,l} L_{f_l}L_{e_k}\] 其中 $u=(u_{i,j,k,l})$ 是一个 $nm \times nm$ 酉矩阵。这些代数将二阶图的解析 Toeplitz 代数推广到一个单顶点,根据矩阵 $u$ 被分类为等距同构。

期刊参考: None

category: math.OA