Multilinear function series in conditionally free probability with amalgamation

Mihai Popa

Mihai Popa update to 2008-09-05
As in the cases of freeness and monotonic independence, the notion ofconditional freeness is meaningful when complex-valued states are replaced bypositive conditional expectations. In this framework, the paper presentsseveral positivity results, a version of the central limit theorem and ananalogue of the conditionally free R-transform constructed by means ofmultilinear function series.

journal: None

category: math.OA math.FA

具有条件自由概率的多元线性函数序列 合并

Mihai Popa

Mihai Popa update to 2008-09-05
与自由和单调独立的情况一样,当复数值状态被正条件期望取代时,条件自由的概念是有意义的。在这个框架中,本文提出了几个积极的结果,一个版本的中心极限定理和通过多重线性函数级数构建的条件自由 R 变换的类比。

期刊参考: None

category: math.OA math.FA