Decomposition numbers for finite Coxeter groups and generalised non-crossing partitions

Christian Krattenthaler (Universit\"at Wien) and Thomas M\"uller (Queen Mary & Westfield College
University of London)

Christian Krattenthaler update to 2010-01-18
Given a finite irreducible Coxeter group $W$, a positive integer $d$, andtypes $T_1,T_2,...,T_d$ (in the sense of the classification of finite Coxetergroups), we compute the number of decompositions $c=\si_1\si_2 cdots\si_d$ of aCoxeter element $c$ of $W$, such that $\si_i$ is a Coxeter element in asubgroup of type $T_i$ in $W$, $i=1,2,...,d$, and such that the factorisationis "minimal" in the sense that the sum of the ranks of the $T_i$'s,$i=1,2,...,d$, equals the rank of $W$. For the exceptional types, thesedecomposition numbers have been computed by the first author. The type $A_n$decomposition numbers have been computed by Goulden and Jackson, albeit using asomewhat different language. We explain how to extract the type $B_n$decomposition numbers from results of B\'ona, Bousquet, Labelle and Leroux onmap enumeration. Our formula for the type $D_n$ decomposition numbers is new.These results are then used to determine, for a fixed positive integer $l$ andfixed integers $r_1\le r_2\le ...\le r_l$, the number of multi-chains $\pi_1\le\pi_2\le ...\le \pi_l$ in Armstrong's generalised non-crossing partitionsposet, where the poset rank of $\pi_i$ equals $r_i$, and where the "blockstructure" of $\pi_1$ is prescribed. We demonstrate that this result impliesall known enumerative results on ordinary and generalised non-crossingpartitions via appropriate summations. Surprisingly, this result on multi-chainenumeration is new even for the original non-crossing partitions of Kreweras.Moreover, the result allows one to solve the problem of rank-selected chainenumeration in the type $D_n$ generalised non-crossing partitions poset, which,in turn, leads to a proof of Armstrong's $F=M$ Conjecture in type $D_n$.

journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010), 2723-2787

category: math.CO math.GR

有限 Coxeter 群和广义的分解数 非交叉分区

Christian Krattenthaler (Universit\"at Wien) and Thomas M\"uller (Queen Mary & Westfield College
University of London)

Christian Krattenthaler update to 2010-01-18
给定一个有限不可约 Coxeter 群 $W$、一个正整数 $d$ 和类型 $T_1,T_2,...,T_d$(在有限 Coxetergroups 的分类意义上),我们计算分解次数 $c= \si_1\si_2 cdots\si_d$ of a Coxeter element $c$ of $W$,使得 $\si_i$ 是 $W$ 中类型为 $T_i$ 的子群中的 Coxeter 元素,$i=1,2,.. .,d$,并且在 $T_i$'s,$i=1,2,...,d$ 的秩和等于 $W 的秩的意义上,分解是“最小的” $.对于异常类型,这些分解数已由第一作者计算。类型 $A_n$ 分解数已由 Goulden 和 Jackson 计算,尽管使用的语言有些不同。我们解释了如何从 B\'ona、Bousquet、Labelle 和 Leroux onmap 枚举的结果中提取类型 $B_n$ 分解数。我们用于 $D_n$ 类型分解数的公式是新的。然后使用这些结果来确定对于固定正整数 $l$ 和固定整数 $r_1\le r_2\le ...\le r_l$,多-chains $\pi_1\le\pi_2\le ...\le \pi_l$ 在 Armstrong 的广义非交叉分区poset 中,其中$\pi_i$ 的poset 等级等于$r_i$,其中$\ 的“块结构” pi_1$ 是规定的。我们证明这个结果通过适当的求和暗示了普通和广义非交叉分区的所有已知枚举结果。令人惊讶的是,即使对于 Kreweras 的原始非交叉分区,这种多链枚举的结果也是新的。此外,该结果允许解决 $D_n$ 类型广义非交叉分区poset 中的秩选择链枚举问题,即,反过来,导致 $D_n$ 类型的阿姆斯特朗 $F=M$ 猜想的证明。

期刊参考: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010), 2723-2787

category: math.CO math.GR