The transverse proximity effect in spectral hardness on the line of sight towards HE 2347-4342

G. Worseck (1)
C. Fechner (2
L. Wisotzki (1) and A. Dall'Aglio (1) ((1) Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam
(2) Hamburger Sternwarte
(3) Universit\"at Potsdam)

Gabor Worseck update to 2011-11-09
We report the discovery of 14 quasars in the vicinity of HE2347-4342, one ofthe two quasars whose intergalactic HeII forest has been resolved with FUSE. Byanalysing the HI and the HeII opacity variations separately, no transverseproximity effect is detected near three foreground quasars of HE2347-4342:QSOJ23503-4328 (z=2.282, $\vartheta=3.59$ arcmin), QSOJ23500-4319 (z=2.302,$\vartheta=8.77$ arcmin) and QSOJ23495-4338 (z=2.690, $\vartheta=16.28$arcmin). This is primarily due to line contamination and overdensities probablycreated by large-scale structure. By comparing the HI absorption and thecorresponding HeII absorption, we estimated the fluctuating spectral shape ofthe extragalactic UV radiation field along this line of sight. We find that theUV spectral shape near HE2347-4342 and in the projected vicinity of the threeforeground quasars is statistically harder than expected from UV backgroundmodels dominated by quasars. In addition, we find three highly ionised metalline systems near the quasars. However, they do not yield further constraintson the shape of the ionising field. We conclude that the foreground quasarsshow a transverse proximity effect that is detectable as a local hardening ofthe UV radiation field, although the evidence is strongest for QSOJ23495-4338.Thus, the relative spectral hardness traces the proximity effect also inoverdense regions prohibiting the traditional detection in the HI forest.Furthermore, we emphasise that softening of quasar radiation by radiativetransfer in the intergalactic medium is important to understand the observedspectral shape variations. From the transverse proximity effect ofQSOJ23495-4338 we obtain a lower limit on the quasar lifetime of ~25 Myr.

journal: Astron.Astrophys. 473 (2007) 805

category: astro-ph

谱线硬度的横向邻近效应 视线朝向 HE 2347-4342

G. Worseck (1)
C. Fechner (2
L. Wisotzki (1) and A. Dall'Aglio (1) ((1) Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam
(2) Hamburger Sternwarte
(3) Universit\"at Potsdam)

Gabor Worseck update to 2011-11-09
我们报告在 HE2347-4342 附近发现了 14 个类星体,这是两个类星体之一,其星系间 HeII 森林已被 FUSE 解析。通过分别分析 HI 和 HeII 不透明度变化,在 HE2347-4342:QSOJ23503-4328 (z=2.282, $\vartheta=3.59 $ arcmin)、QSOJ239500-z=4230-4230 三个前景类星体附近没有检测到横向邻近效应\vartheta=8.77$arcmin)和 QSOJ23495-4338(z=2.690,$\vartheta=16.28$arcmin)。这主要是由于大型结构可能造成的线路污染和密度过大。通过比较HI吸收和相应的HeII吸收,我们估计了沿这条视线的河外紫外线辐射场的波动光谱形状。我们发现 HE2347-4342 附近和三个前景类星体投影附近的紫外光谱形状在统计上比从类星体主导的紫外背景模型中预期的要困难。此外,我们在类星体附近发现了三个高度电离的金属线系统。然而,它们不会对电离场的形状产生进一步的限制。我们得出结论,前景类星体显示出横向邻近效应,可作为紫外线辐射场的局部硬化检测到,尽管 QSOJ23495-4338 的证据最强。 HI 森林。此外,我们强调通过星系间介质中的辐射转移来软化类星体辐射对于理解观察到的光谱形状变化很重要。根据 QSOJ23495-4338 的横向邻近效应,我们获得了类星体寿命的下限~25 Myr。

期刊参考: Astron.Astrophys. 473 (2007) 805

category: astro-ph