On smooth foliations with Morse singularities

Lilia Rosati

Lilia Rosati update to 2007-05-23

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold and let $\F$ be a codimension one, $C^\infty$foliation on $M$, with isolated singularities of Morse type. The study andclassification of pairs $(M,\F)$ is a challenging (and difficult) problem. Inthis setting, a classical result due to Reeb \cite{Reeb} states that a manifoldadmitting a foliation with exactly two center-type singularities is a sphere.In particular this is true if the foliation is given by a function. Along theselines a result due to Eells and Kuiper \cite{Ku-Ee} classify manifolds having areal-valued function admitting exactly three non-degenerate singular points. Inthe present paper, we prove a generalization of the above mentioned results. Todo this, we first describe the possible arrangements of pairs of singularitiesand the corresponding codimension one invariant sets, and then we give anelimination procedure for suitable center-saddle and some saddle-saddleconfigurations (of consecutive indices). In the second part, we investigate ifother classical results, such as Haefliger and Novikov (Compact Leaf) theorems,proved for regular foliations, still hold true in presence of singularities. Atthis purpose, in the singular set, $Sing(\F)$ of the foliation $\F$, weconsider {\em{weakly stable}} components, that we define as those componentsadmitting a neighborhood where all leaves are compact. If $Sing(\F)$ admitsonly weakly stable components, given by smoothly embedded curves diffeomorphicto $S^1$, we are able to extend Haefliger's theorem. Finally, the existence ofa closed curve, transverse to the foliation, leads us to state a Novikov-typeresult.

journal: None

category: math.GT


Lilia Rosati

Lilia Rosati update to 2007-05-23

令 $M$ 是一个光滑流形,并令 $\F$ 是一个余维,$C^\infty$foliation 在 $M$ 上,具有 Morse 类型的孤立奇点。对 $(M,\F)$ 的研究和分类是一个具有挑战性(和困难)的问题。在这种情况下,由于 Reeb \cite{Reeb} 的经典结果表明,流形承认具有恰好两个中心型奇点的叶理是一个球体。特别是如果叶理由函数给出,则这是正确的。沿着这条线,由于 Eells 和 Kuiper \cite{Ku-Ee} 对具有面积值函数的流形进行了分类,该流形恰好允许三个非退化奇异点。在本文中,我们证明了上述结果的推广。为此,我们首先描述奇点对的可能排列和相应的协维一个不变集,然后我们给出了合适的中心鞍座和一些鞍座配置(连续索引)的消除程序。在第二部分,我们研究了其他经典结果,例如 Haefliger 和 Novikov(紧叶)定理,证明了规则叶理,在奇点存在的情况下是否仍然适用。为此,在叶子 $\F$ 的奇异集合 $Sing(\F)$ 中,我们考虑 {\em{weakly stable}} 组件,我们将其定义为那些允许所有叶子都紧凑的邻域的组件。如果 $Sing(\F)$ 只承认弱稳定分量,由平滑嵌入的曲线微分到 $S^1$ 给出,我们就能够扩展 Haefliger 定理。最后,横向于叶理的闭合曲线的存在使我们得出诺维科夫型结果。

期刊参考: None

category: math.GT