Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Theory

N. G. Parker
B. Jackson
A. M. Martin
and C. S. Adams

Brian Jackson update to 2015-05-13

Vortices are pervasive in nature, representing the breakdown of laminar fluidflow and hence playing a key role in turbulence. The fluid rotation associatedwith a vortex can be parameterized by the circulation $\Gamma=\oint {\rm d}{\bfr}\cdot{\bf v}({\bf r})$ about the vortex, where ${\bf v}({\bf r})$ is thefluid velocity field. While classical vortices can take any value ofcirculation, superfluids are irrotational, and any rotation or angular momentumis constrained to occur through vortices with quantized circulation. Quantizedvortices also play a key role in the dissipation of transport in superfluids.In BECs quantized vortices have been observed in several forms, includingsingle vortices, vortex lattices, and vortex pairs and rings. The recentobservation of quantized vortices in a fermionic gas was taken as a clearsignature of the underlying condensation and superfluidity of fermion pairs. Inaddition to BECs, quantized vortices also occur in superfluid Helium, nonlinearoptics, and type-II superconductors.

journal: None

category: cond-mat.other


N. G. Parker
B. Jackson
A. M. Martin
and C. S. Adams

Brian Jackson update to 2015-05-13

涡流本质上是普遍存在的,代表层流流体流动的分解,因此在湍流中起着关键作用。与涡旋相关的流体旋转可以通过关于涡旋的循环 $\Gamma=\oint {\rm d}{\bfr}\cdot{\bf v}({\bf r})$ 来参数化,其中 ${\ bf v}({\bf r})$ 是流体速度场。虽然经典涡流可以采用任何循环值,但超流体是无旋的,任何旋转或角动量都被限制为通过具有量化循环的涡流发生。量化涡旋在超流体中的输运耗散中也起着关键作用。在 BEC 中,已经观察到多种形式的量化涡旋,包括单涡旋、涡旋晶格和涡旋对和环。最近对费米子气体中量子化涡旋的观察被认为是费米子对的潜在凝聚和超流动性的明确标志。除了 BEC 之外,超流氦、非线性光学和 II 型超导体中也会出现量子化涡旋。

期刊参考: None

category: cond-mat.other