Causal dissipative hydrodynamics for QGP fluid in 2+1 dimensions

A. K. Chaudhuri

A. K. Chaudhuri update to 2007-08-01
In 2nd order causal dissipative theory, space-time evolution of QGP fluid isstudied in 2+1 dimensions. Relaxation equations for shear stress tensors aresolved simultaneously with the energy-momentum conservation equations.Comparison of evolution of ideal and viscous QGP fluid, initialized under thesame conditions, e.g. same equilibration time, energy density and velocityprofile, indicate that in a viscous dynamics, energy density or temperature ofthe fluid evolve slowly, than in an ideal fluid. Cooling gets slower asviscosity increases. Transverse expansion also increases in a viscous dynamics.For the first time we have also studied elliptic flow of 'quarks' in causalviscous dynamics. It is shown that elliptic flow of quarks saturates due tonon-equilibrium correction to equilibrium distribution function, and can not bemimicked by an ideal hydrodynamics.

journal: None

category: nucl-th

2+1 维 QGP 流体的因果耗散流体力学

A. K. Chaudhuri

A. K. Chaudhuri update to 2007-08-01
在二阶因果耗散理论中,QGP流体的时空演化在2+1维度上进行了研究。剪切应力张量的松弛方程与能量-动量守恒方程同时求解。 理想和粘性 QGP 流体演化的比较,在相同条件下初始化,例如相同的平衡时间、能量密度和速度分布表明,在粘性动力学中,流体的能量密度或温度变化比理想流体慢。随着粘度增加,冷却变慢。粘性动力学中的横向膨胀也增加。我们还第一次研究了因果粘性动力学中“夸克”的椭圆流。结果表明,由于平衡分布函数的非平衡校正,夸克椭圆流饱和,不能被理想的流体动力学模拟。

期刊参考: None

category: nucl-th