Vacuum Structure and Potential

J.X. Zheng-Johansson

J. Johansson update to 2007-05-23
Based on overall experimental observations, especially the pair processes, Ideveloped a model structure of the vacuum along with a basic-particle formationscheme begun in 2000 (with collaborator P-I Johansson). The model consists inthat the vacuum is, briefly, filled of neutral but polarizable vacuuons,consisting each of a p-vaculeon and n- vaculeon of charges $+e$ and $-e$ ofzero rest masses but with spin motions, assumed interacting each other with aCoulomb force. The model has been introduced in full in a book (Nova Sci, 2005)and referred to in a number of journal/E-print papers. I outline in this easieraccessible paper the detailed derivation of the model and a correspondingquantitative determination of the vacuuon size.

journal: None

category: physics.gen-ph


J.X. Zheng-Johansson

J. Johansson update to 2007-05-23
基于整体实验观察,尤其是对过程,我开发了真空的模型结构以及 2000 年开始的基本粒子形成方案(与合作者 P-I Johansson)。该模型包括,真空中,简而言之,充满了中性但可极化的真空子,由零静止质量的电荷 $+e$ 和 $-e$ 的 p 真空子和 n-真空子中的每一个组成,但具有自旋运动,假设相互作用另一个具有库仑力。该模型已在一本书 (Nova Sci, 2005) 中完整介绍,并在许多期刊/电子印刷论文中引用。我在这篇更容易理解的论文中概述了模型的详细推导和真空尺寸的相应定量测定。

期刊参考: None

category: physics.gen-ph