New simple modular Lie superalgebras as generalized prolongs

Sofiane Bouarroudj
Pavel Grozman
Dimitry Leites

Sofiane Bouarroudj update to 2009-06-24
Over algebraically closed fields of characteristic p>2, prolongations of thesimple finite dimensional Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras with Cartan matrixare studied for certain simplest gradings of these algebras. Several new simpleLie superalgebras are discovered, serial and exceptional, including superBrownand superMelikyan superalgebras. Simple Lie superalgebras with Cartan matrix ofrank 2 are classified.

journal: Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen 42, no. 3, (2008), 1-9; English transl.: Funct. Anal. and its Appl., 42, no. 3, (2008), 161-168.

category: math.RT


Sofiane Bouarroudj
Pavel Grozman
Dimitry Leites

Sofiane Bouarroudj update to 2009-06-24
在特征 p>2 的代数闭域上,研究了简单有限维李代数和具有 Cartan 矩阵的李超代数的扩展,以获得这些代数的某些最简单的分级。发现了几个新的简单李超代数,它们是连续的和例外的,包括 superBrown 和 superMelikyan 超代数。对具有秩为 2 的嘉当矩阵的简单李超代数进行分类。

期刊参考: Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen 42, no. 3, (2008), 1-9; English transl.: Funct. Anal. and its Appl., 42, no. 3, (2008), 161-168.

category: math.RT