Spinor dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates; Classical spin approach

M. Takahashi
Sankalpa Ghosh
T. Mizushima
K. Machida

Masahiro Takahashi update to 2009-11-13

Magnetic dipole-dipole interaction dominated Bose-Einstein condensates arediscussed under spinful situations. We treat the spin degrees of freedom as aclassical spin vector, approaching from large spin limit to obtain an effectiveminimal Hamiltonian; a version extended from a non-linear sigma model. Bysolving the Gross-Pitaevskii equation we find several novel spin textures wherethe mass density and spin density are strongly coupled, depending upon trapgeometries due to the long-range and anisotropic natures of the dipole-dipoleinteraction.

journal: Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 260403 (2007)

category: cond-mat.other


M. Takahashi
Sankalpa Ghosh
T. Mizushima
K. Machida

Masahiro Takahashi update to 2009-11-13

在自旋情况下讨论了磁偶极-偶极相互作用主导的玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚。我们把自旋自由度看成一个经典的自旋向量,从大自旋极限逼近得到一个有效的最小哈密顿量;从非线性 sigma 模型扩展而来的版本。通过求解 Gross-Pitaevskii 方程,我们发现了几种新的自旋纹理,其中质量密度和自旋密度强烈耦合,这取决于偶极子-偶极子相互作用的长程和各向异性性质导致的陷阱几何。

期刊参考: Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 260403 (2007)

category: cond-mat.other