Placeholder Substructures III: A Bit-String-Driven ''Recipe Theory'' for Infinite-Dimensional Zero-Divisor Spaces

Robert P. C. de Marrais

Robert P. C. de Marrais update to 2007-11-22
Zero-divisors (ZDs) derived by Cayley-Dickson Process (CDP) fromN-dimensional hypercomplex numbers (N a power of 2, at least 4) can representsingularities and, as N approaches infinite, fractals -- and thereby,scale-freenetworks. Any integer greater than 8 and not a power of 2 generates ameta-fractal or "Sky" when it is interpreted as the "strut constant" (S) of anensemble of octahedral vertex figures called "Box-Kites" (the fundamentalbuilding blocks of ZDs). Remarkably simple bit-manipulation rules or "recipes"provide tools for transforming one fractal genus into others within the contextof Wolfram's Class 4 complexity.

journal: None

category: math.RA

占位符子结构 III:位串驱动的“配方理论” 无限维零除数空间

Robert P. C. de Marrais

Robert P. C. de Marrais update to 2007-11-22
由 Cayley-Dickson 过程 (CDP) 从 N 维超复数(N 是 2 的幂,至少为 4)导出的零因数 (ZD) 可以表示奇异性,并且随着 N 接近无限,分形 - 从而,无标度网络。任何大于 8 且不是 2 的幂的整数在被解释为称为“Box-Kites”(ZD 的基本构建块)的八面体顶点图形集合的“支柱常数”(S)时,都会生成 ameta 分形或“天空” )。非常简单的位操作规则或“食谱”提供了在 Wolfram 4 类复杂性的背景下将一个分形属转化为其他分形属的工具。

期刊参考: None

category: math.RA