Rigid subsets of symplectic manifolds

Michael Entov and Leonid Polterovich

Michael Entov update to 2014-01-14

We show that there is an hierarchy of intersection rigidity properties ofsets in a closed symplectic manifold: some sets cannot be displaced bysymplectomorphisms from more sets than the others. We also find new examples ofrigidity of intersections involving, in particular, specific fibers of momentmaps of Hamiltonian torus actions, monotone Lagrangian submanifolds (followingthe works of P.Albers and P.Biran-O.Cornea), as well as certain, possiblysingular, sets defined in terms of Poisson-commutative subalgebras of smoothfunctions. In addition, we get some geometric obstructions to semi-simplicityof the quantum homology of symplectic manifolds. The proofs are based on theFloer-theoretical machinery of partial symplectic quasi-states.

journal: None

category: math.SG


Michael Entov and Leonid Polterovich

Michael Entov update to 2014-01-14

我们证明了在闭合辛流形中存在集合的交集刚性属性的层次结构:一些集合不能被比其他集合更多的集合的辛同胚置换。我们还发现了交叉刚性的新例子,尤其涉及哈密顿环面作用的矩量图的特定纤维、单调拉格朗日子流形(遵循 P.Albers 和 P.Biran-O.Cornea 的作品),以及某些可能是奇异的集合根据平滑函数的泊松交换子代数定义。此外,我们得到了辛流形的量子同调的半简单性的一些几何障碍。证明是基于 Floer 理论机制的偏辛准状态。

期刊参考: None

category: math.SG